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1、洋葱的英语为onion,音标:英[ˈʌnjən] 美[ˈʌnjən]。

2、造句:Will you chop an onion up for me?你能帮我把一个洋葱切碎吗?It is made with fresh minced meat, cooked with onion and a rich tomato sauce.这道菜用鲜肉沫加洋葱和浓郁的番茄酱做成。

3、Mix the meat with the onion, carrot, and some seasoning.把肉和洋葱、胡萝卜及一些佐料搅拌在一起。

4、Mince the meat and the onion.把肉和洋葱剁碎吧。

5、When the oil is hot, add the sliced onion油热了后,放入切好的洋葱。

6、Spread the onion slices on the bottom of the dish.把洋葱片铺在盘底。

7、Peel the onion and cut it in half lengthwise.剥掉洋葱皮并把它纵向切成两半。

8、Fry for about 4 minutes, until the onion has softened.煎4分钟左右,直到洋葱变软。

9、Cut the onion into paper-thin slices把洋葱切成极薄的薄片。

10、When you slice an onion, it makes your eyes sting.切葱头辣眼睛。


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