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be worth doing something(be worth doing)

be worth doing something,be worth doing相信很多小伙伴还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!

1、Ⅰ. be worth +n(表“值”“价值”) “……值(钱,等)”。

2、  ① What is your car worth? 这辆车值多少钱?  ② This house is worth £20,000. 这幢房子值两万磅。

3、  ③ It might be worth a lot of money. 它可能值很多钱。

4、Ⅱ. be worth doing. ……值得干某事。



7、如:  ① That film is worth seeing. 那部片子值得一看。

8、  ② The report is worth listening to . 这报告值得听。

9、  [注]:表“很值得”要用well worth. 如:  ① The film is well worth seeing . 这电影很值得一看。


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