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1、The wind in July, the rain in August, I like you in the distance with my humble, Before your coming, how can I grow old ?译文:The wind in July and the rain in August are humble. I like you far away. How dare you grow old in the future?七月的风 。

2、八月的雨 卑微的我喜欢遥远的你。

3、你还未来怎敢老去! 英文翻译===见如下=====结果 (英语) 1:July of Wind, August of the rain humble I like the distant you, you still how dare to grow old in the future!结果 (英语) 2:July wind, rain August humble I like distant you, you next dare grow old! 结果 (英语) 3:The wind in July and the rain in August are humble. I like you far away. How dare you grow old in the future?结果 (英语) 4:The wind in July, the rain in August humble I like you far away, how dare you old in the future!结果 (英语) 5:July wind, August rain humble I like you far away, how dare you go old in the future!The wind of July, the rain of August, humble, I like you far away, how dare you go old in the future!。


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