其实这首歌曲是综艺节目《热血街舞团》中用于鹿晗舞蹈的背景音乐,叫做《Move Something》,是DJ Quik、Problem的歌曲。鹿晗的一个开场舞燃爆了全场。这个舞蹈被称作是“开车舞”。这个舞蹈火了之后,就在抖音上面传跳了。而且传跳度非常高,节奏感十分强,喜欢的用户可以直接搜索。
《Move Something》歌词(部分)
I got your middle in my eyes
Got your middle on my mind
Got your middle on my mind
Can I watch that from behind
Grab the cheek with one hand
Use the other for glasses
It's a rookie dokey party in here lot's of new a**es
Now who gon' shake it the fastest
Who pour slow like molasses
I'm just tryna through some gorges
I ain't lookin' for passes
I turned this dope into ashes
I'm like German I'm fascist
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