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1、电话号码中EXT是分机的意思 ;2、电脑文件的扩展名EXT是一种动画文件的意思,和GIF类似;3、电脑系统中EXT是一种强大的js类编程库,它是专门为Linux设计的,拥有最快的速度和最小的CPU占用率。

2、【扩展资料】:英文缩写“EXT”代表的中文:EXT abbr. 扩展(extension);外部(exterior);额外的(extra);提取(extract)。

3、2、ext 网络:外部(external);分机;外触发(external trigger)(1)、After reading the first few lines of the proposed table of contents, it was clear to me that this book was not an "Ext JS in Action" .在阅读了提案内容表格的前几行之后,我就意识到这本书不是“ExtJSinAction”。

4、(2)、InfoQ: In your book you describe several components that you get out of the box, when using Ext JS. Is it easy to extend those?InfoQ:在书中,你描述了使用ExtJS时框架之外的若干组件,易于扩展吗?(3)、As I mentioned, one of the minor roadblocks I had to deal with when first startingwith Ext JS was the learning curve and where to begin.如上所述,当我开始学习ExtJS时,遇到的第一个小障碍就是学习曲线和从何处开始。


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